The Audi R8 is easily one of our favorite supercars thanks to its performance and everyday comfort, as well as the fact that it's just beautiful to behold. And that V10 engine is a marvel of engineering that merits praise. Audi has commissioned artist Fabian Oefner to create a remarkable poster that celebrates the R8 V10 in unique fashion. He photographed the hundreds of parts that make up the R8's engine to create an exploded photograph of the back end of the R8, and it's glorious.

r8 v10 poster

Oefner has some experience in “disintegrating” vehicles via hundreds of hours and thousands of photographs since he has already done a legendary Lamborghini Miura in the same fashion. The sheer amount of work involved in taking the cars apart, piece by piece, is overwhelming (putting it back together is even harder, we imagine).

Take a look at the mesmerizing video below to see how it was done. Though the $169,900 supercar is out of range for most normal humans, at least the $24.95 poster is affordable, and you can buy it here.